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2 Short Inspirational Stories Of Amazing Teenage Indians Including World’s Youngest Headmaster

Why the hell do you complain about your life? 


Were you taken aback by my first sentence?


Well, at times it is imperative to give you a shock to make you understand the reality. 


You are not alone!


Even I do complain about the challenges in life. But when you see the inspirational stories of these amazing young wonders, you will tell yourself that your problems are just negligible. 


These 3 inspirational young Indians will touch your heart and capture your soul. If not,  you would have to consult a heart and soul surgeon to do some repair ;) .


1. Babbar Ali – World’s Youngest Headmaster at the Age of 16


I believe, you and I are blessed with all the basic necessities of life. Otherwise, neither will I be writing this article nor will you be reading this. 


When the so called matured Head masters crib about the pitfalls in the system, Babbar Ali created a system of his own for the world to see and explore.


Inspirational stories[/caption]


This young boy has fought against all odds with a fire in his belly and a deep desire in his heart to educate the children in his neighborhood. Babbar is a 12th standard student of  ”Cossimbazar Raj Govinda Sundari Vidyapeeth”, Murshidabad, West Bengal.

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Why Is God So Cruel? Get Well Soon, Both Hyderabad and Sneha!!!

U’mmm, Why is God so cruel?? Its a beautiful question to ask and write, while looking at the sun, who is going to have a sound sleep.



How many times have you asked this question in your life?


Well, I have asked it umpteen number of times and was tempted to ask again last afternoon, when I heard the news that my colleague Sneha Sreekumar met with a bike accident, last Tuesday night.


She was going along with her brother and when he applied a sudden brake she fell from the bike and a truck went over her right hand..


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Real Inspirational Story Of A Courageous Village Boy Who Battled To Reach The Top Of The World – Series 1

He is my best buddy, my philosopher, a cricketer, a professor, a responsible husband, father to a lovely angel, an amazing son and his excellence at heart is truly unmatched.


This village boy’s inspirational story is incredibly impeccable because I have seen it myself..


Inspirational boy and his cute little family
Inspirational boy and his cute little family


I call upon you, to explore this story, where this fighter called Abhilash Soman, will show you how you can set goals in your life and how to achieve them, even if you face tremendous road blocks.

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31 Rare, Short and Best Inspirational Quotes To Help You Achieve Success In Your Life

What is the difference between success and failure?

Yes, making your brain work is definitely going to help you achieve success in your life and that is what you are doing rite now.

So, what is the relevance of best inspirational quotes in achieving success??

Short and best Inspirational quotes will bring about a paradigm shift in your thought process, which will eventually serve you like a good shepherd during your tough times, and it will show the rite path to your destiny.

You might have come across different inspirational quotes and every time you search for quotes you would definitely love to stumble upon those quotes which is rare, best, short and the ones which you haven’t come across in the past.

I always puts that extra effort to make you happy, because I understand your needs.

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You can achieve success if you see and feel the inspirational story of this highly criticized Indian cricketer

What are the names that is going through your mind, rite now?

If you are smart enough then you would have guessed the answer by now, because there is only one Indian cricketer who has been widely criticized in the past few years.

Its neither Sachin Tendulkar nor Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Please take a close look at the picture and read further.

Yes, you are going to see how Santhakumaran Sreesanth is going to play for India again, from his painful days in a wheel chair.

I strongly believe that he will be making a come back within the next 4 months and what is your feeling?

You will not read further if you are strongly bounded by perceptions and you will be keen to know his inspirational story, if you accept fighters with a never say die, attitude.

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An Inspirational Story Of A Gorgeous Village Girl, Who Rose Like A Phoenix From Ashes!!!

This is the first in the series of many un-heard inspirational stories..!

You have read and heard about inspirational stories of great personalities..

This one is slightly different because inspiring citizen is giving you the opportunity to talk to the world and inspire them to take action, through your inspirational story.

Let’s walk through the words of the inspirational village girl who is obviously gorgeous(trust you have seen her in the picture that forms a part of this article).

I am a dynamic and gorgeous (people say that) young girl hailing from a village in the southern part of God’s own country. I would like to introduce myself with a quote..

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5 motivation tips from world’s youngest CEO, at the age of 8.

History was created in the year 2006, when this dashing little dynamo designed and developed the first website for her school, Presentation Higher Secondary School, Calicut.

If you think that she belongs to a generation of BMW’s and Macintosh, then you are mistaken. This champion web designer belongs to a middle-class Indian family, but was lucky enough to have mesmerizing parents with a different thought process.

The long wait is finally over..!

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