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6 Secrets On How To Make Your Boss Happy

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Can you see a beautiful scene where you are walking with your boss and your hands are on his shoulders?


I have literally done this several times over the past 8 years of my professional career and I felt you also should be shown the smart ways to make your boss happy, so that you can grow leaps and bounds in your career :) .


We might be caged in one form or the other…
People might hold you back, It could be your father it could be your brother…
But one day, some day, you would soar the sky…
Then hold your head high, cuz there is no reason to be shy…

- Reuben Varghese


 In today’s uncertain economy you are always in the danger of losing your job. In such a situation it is imperative that you are in the good books of your boss.



Do you think, you need to flatter your boss to make him happy?


If your answer was yes, then you are mistaken, my friend.


When you read further you will understand how to make your boss happy and also get the raise you want in the most artistic manner ;) .


Here are the 6 steps to help you get into the good books of your boss.


1. Go the extra mile with care


You will not even come to the radar of your boss, if you just do your job well.


If you think that slogging is the best option, then please get ready to face hypertension.


So, you might be asking me what’s the solution?


Well, you definitely have to do more than what you are paid for. You need to take care of 2 things when you do that.


First is to ensure that your boss is aware of the extra effort that you are putting in. Second is to make sure that you are enjoying what you are doing. The moment you feel that you are not enjoying, please understand that its time to put a full stop for that day. If you work even further you will only be as good as a donkey who is just working without any real creative productivity.


Are you aware of the fact that you are already working beyond the boundary of you regular jobs, without realizing it? When you finish each day ask yourself, “what have you done that wasn’t called for in your job?” You can make a note of your deeds in your personal journal and update it with your boss on a timely basis. This will show him that you are doing more than what you are supposed to do, which will make him happy and also prompt him to give you a good hike.


People say, “Go the extra mile”. I would say, “Go the extra mile with care and passion.”


2. Be a good listener and a keen observer


Most people go to bosses with complaints. If you want to make him happy then stop complaining and start listening to what he is saying.


When you listen to him you will understand his likes and dislikes. If you want to learn more about him be a keen observer. When you observe people closely, you will get a picture about their habits, way of talking and many more. This will help you in communicating to your boss using the words he often uses.


My boss uses the word fit and finish quite often. So I understand that he gives high importance to quality over quantity. So in my work I will also see that quality is given a priority over quantity.


There is another boss of mine who believes that the people who sit late in office are the ones who are dedicated. Many people have tried to change his belief, but he strongly believes in that principle because that’s how he has achieved success. So I strike a balance by giving people enough breaks and by also putting in a couple of extra hours during certain working days..What I have learnt is the fact that this gentleman is finally concerned only about the output. He is a genuine man at heart and you just need to balance things to make him happy.


3. Be willing to take negative feedback


Now, I am going to reveal a secret and it will help you take any negative feedback in your life.


When someone is giving you feedback please understand that they are just giving you a picture about themselves.


I can see your confused face :) ….! Please relax..!


I will explain it with an example, so that you understand this concept.


Lets say that your boss is telling you that he doesn’t like you interrupting, while he is talking. Your natural reaction would be to counter what he is saying or show your dirty face at him. This will just aggravate his anger.


So, here’s the secret. When your boss is telling you that he doesn’t like interrupting  he is unknowingly showing you that he is a person who interrupts quite often. In-order to make him happy just accept what he is saying and thank him for giving you the feedback. In reality he is telling you more about himself..Poor boss..;). Just pray, he is not reading this:).


4. Communicate at the rite time


I have seen people who go into my superior’s cabin when they are held up with something. The poor fellow or lady might have gone to initiate a conversation and get into the good books of the boss.


On the contrary it will make the boss even more irritated and he will not be interested to talk to you at all. You need to be sensitive enough to understand the emotions of your boss and talk to him at a time when he is in a good mood. Even if you want to argue with your boss you can do it effectively if you read:


6 creative ways to argue with your boss effectively


Hope you have understood the importance of communicating with your boss at the rite time and at the rite place.


5. Avoid these 5 deadly sins


If you avoid the 5 deadly sins that I am going to show you now, you will definitely reap success in your career and in your life. More importantly you will also make your boss happy;).


  1. Pride, because it takes you down a deep hole.
  2. Envy, because it shows your weakness and makes you weak.
  3. Anger, because it will suck all your energy.
  4. Dishonesty, because most people will be caught one day or the other.
  5. Laziness, because nobody will give you the responsibility to do a task.


6. The most important mantra


You will never have any problem with your boss if you understand and apply this mantra.




Wishing you a bright and beautiful career where you apply these secrets to make your boss happy.


Do you have any other secrets on how to make your boss happy?  Please share your thoughts about this..!













About the Author:

Rafi – who has written posts on | Inspiring Citizen.

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Hi Sir,
Really Very useful and Inspirational Tips u have Shared with us!! These should be regularly followed by all S/w Employees who actually find their job in difficulty !!
Srikanth recently posted…Facebook Testing New Timeline FormatMy Profile


Hi Srikanth,

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments and I am happy that you found it useful :) .

Where are you working and do you have a tough boss?
Rafi recently posted…6 Secrets On How To Make Your Boss HappyMy Profile

Galen Pearl

I am happily retired now, but I’m passing this on to my daughter who is poised to embark on her career with a new job next week. This will come in handy for her!
Galen Pearl recently posted…My Best Friend…AgainMy Profile

Inspiring Citizen Rafi

Hi Galen,

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read through my article and I am even more happy to learn that you will be passing it to your daughter.

All my best wishes and prayers for your daughter, who is stepping her foot into a new life :) .

And, what is the field that she is going to work in, Galen?

Inspiring Citizen Rafi recently posted…How to Grow Your Email List Without Sweating?My Profile

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